Saturday, May 12, 2018

Spring has arrived 2018

Spring arrived last week on April 30. The cold weather in the 30s and 40s is gone.  In May the days have been frequently in the 60s and 70s and never highs below 50s.  It has finally gotten quite pleasant and frequently sunny.

Plants have popped out very rapidly. Nothing before April 30 and now ferns are approaching 2' high, everything is growing.  Trees are all leafing out.  The garden is planted.

Bird Report:

On the lake:
We saw one ring necked duck.
We saw Buffleheads, at least one pair up until a few days ago.  Also frequent Pied billed grebe visits now seem to have stopped.  The only current ducks are Mallards.
We started seeing Goslings just as things started warming up.  There are at least 3 families so far. They did not get oiled this year due to someone protesting.  A nest was built and tended for several weeks opposite us but seemed to have been raided by a fox and destroyed one night, lots of commotion.

Yard and feeders:
Starting a few days into may we have several Orioles and Humming birds all day long. And the typical small birds with many Gold Finches, House Finches, Grackles, Robins, Red-wing Blackbirds, Morning Doves, Chickadees, slate sided juncos,  downy woodpeckers, Red-bellied woodpeckers, flickers, etc.     Too many aggressive Grackles at the feeders!

So far no: Crows, Wrens,

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