Monday, March 31, 2014


Another Glorious sunny morning. Temperature in the 40's.    Our little bay melted yesterday and the ice on the lake is receding all around.  Possibly it will disappear today; it's supposed to get into the 50's.

The geese are posturing and doing a lot of honking.  there are still only a few.

This morning we have seen a pair of Common Mergansers, a Towhee,  a Cardinal (not the first) and some very iridescent Grackles in the bright sun.  Some Crows (not the first)  on the ice.  Temperature is up to 54 at 10 AM.

At 6 PM the ice is all gone!   The temperature reached the high 60's   It's dropping, windy and rain is forecast.  The prospects for next week are: Cold.

Today we added a pair of Buffleheads to the list.   By this time last year we had seen very many more types and count of ducks.

Geese are hormonal, make a racket, and are looking for nesting spots.   This is a time of year we have to run them out of the yard and make them feel unwelcome as they look for nesting spots.   Most nesting spots will be discovered and disturbed, but there is an island where a few seem to escape detection.   The next time of year to defend our property is when there are chicks and young adults.    All that I see are paired up.

Pat and I enjoy dogs but travel too often to make one practical.   So lately we have been dog sitting for a couple of dogs and today we had our two friends Bozi and Mister Cody in residence.   More about them another time and hopefully some pictures.

Arrangements are all made for our Kitchen Renovation starting next week while we are away.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday 3-30-2014

Morning on the lake with the sun on the far shore.

It was 24 degrees last night and in the lower view their is a clear skin of ice formed overnight.  The main lake remains frozen, but at 11AM the temp is up to 41 on its way to the 50's and tomorrow in the 60s so a thaw is due.

No geese yet this morning.  Saw the first Morning Dove.

Later in the day saw my first Robin (Pat says they have been around for a while)

.We saw our resident Muskrat in the ice free area exploring this afternoon.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Clare Lake Views

Clare Lake Views

This blog is to document views throughout the year of Clare Lake in Long Beach, Indiana.   Clare Lake is about 1/2 mile from Lake Michigan in Indiana near the Michigan border.

Major focus will be on Bird Life, Animal life, Climate, and Weather.   Our view is West towards Sunset.

A week ago the lake was still totally frozen and we started hearing geese.  During the week Canada Geese have started appearing as well as some Crows, Grackles, Finches and black squirrels.  Its still been in the 30's with occasional 40's.   Accumulation of snow has slowly melted this past week.   The ice has melted in the bay to the south but the lake is still frozen with a slushy looking ice melted on the edges.

We have seen Mallards this past week and yesterday briefly Red Breasted Mergansers and Hooded Mergansers.  Our local Hawk has returned.

We bought the house a little over a year ago in early March 2013 and their was no ice on the lake then or later until the fall.  Trees are currently devoid of leaves of course.   We have several handsome River Birch along our shore.

The sun hits the trees on the far shore on a sunny day providing a splendid view from our bed.  In the evening the sun sets over the same shore.  If we walk down to lake Michigan the sunset is over Chicago.

We travel extensively so this blog will have major time voids even if I am diligent in attending to it when I'm here.

Canada Geese are ever present on the lake for 3 seasons and can be a nuisance.  To the best of their ability and with DNR approval several hearty souls scout out the nests and oil the eggs to prevent hatching.  There are still a number of broods that are missed each year but far fewer than their might be.  At present this evening I see 7 Geese standing on the ice near the far shore.  None in the water or on the shore.